Choosing the Best Yogurt

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Choosing the Best Yogurt

Yogurt has grown quite popular over the years.  Health experts have sworn by the numerous health benefits that a serving of this tasty dairy treat comes with, from the “good bacteria” that aids digestion to the various vitamins and minerals that keep diseases at bay. Yogurt has become the new best friend of people who want to turn nasty flab into abs of steel. Snacking on yogurt will satiate your hunger without the guilt. There’s just one problem though: how to choose the best yogurt.  When you go to the dairy section of a supermarket, you’ll see rows and rows of yogurt. It now comes in so many different varieties that choosing what to buy has become an overwhelming task. So how do we separate the good from the bad? First step: Read The Label. They’re there for a very good reason. And read them carefully. Then, check for the following:

Live and Active Culture Seal
Yogurt’s superfood status can be attributed to the probiotics it contains. Probiotics are the good bacteria present in the digestive tract that promote good digestion and boost the immune system. Some companies heat-treat yogurt after culturing to prolong its shelf-life and give it stability at room temperature. However, the process kills the bacteria, both the good and the bad ones. To enjoy all the health benefits that come with the healthy and friendly bacteria, choose the yogurt that bears the Live & Active Culture (LAC) seal, which ensures that it contains living and growing bacterial cultures.

Simple and Natural
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus turns milk into yogurt through fermentation. A little sugar or some fruits can be added into yogurt for flavor. However, if you see a long list of ingredients on the label, with words such as “artificial” and other hard-to-pronounce ones in it, put that yogurt back on the shelf. That’s where it belongs, not in your body.  

Bear in mind that yogurt already has a fair amount of sugar in it in the form of lactose. A little added sugar to improve its flavor is not that bad, but plain yogurt is still the best choice. Don’t get fooled by the “diet”, “low-sugar”, “sugar-free”, and “no sugar added” labels, because most of them, if not all, are packed with artificial sweeteners. Avoid yogurts that list sugar as their first or second ingredient. They probably contain as much sugar as donuts have! If you want to add flavor to your plain yogurt, add fresh fruits such as blueberries instead. It’s healthier and yummier that way.

Yogurts vary according to their fat contents. One made from whole milk naturally has higher fat content than those made with low-fat and skim milk. Choose the right kind of yogurt for you based on your diet. If you normally eat a high-fat, high-calorie diet, low-fat or fat-free yogurt is the best one for you. However, “low-fat” “nonfat” is not necessarily mean low calorie. Most of them contain more sweeteners than the full-fat ones to improve the flavor, so make sure that you read the label.

Calcium and Vitamin
Aside from the good bacteria, the other two important nutrients found in yogurt are calcium and vitamin D which are needed by your body to have healthy bones. Yogurt as a dairy product already contains calcium. But unlike other dairy products, yogurt has vitamin D. It’s best to check the label on the amount of calcium and vitamin D the yogurt contains to make sure you have the right amount.

Yogurt is a healthier option for a snack as against a can of soda. But this is only true if the yogurt you choose has the right amount of sugar and not close to the sugar content of a can of soda.

This is precisely why it’s important to Read The Label and check the nutrition facts and ingredients of the yogurt you are buying.  

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