Ways to Keep Skin Soft and Supple

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It’s natural to envy people with soft and supple skin. And that’s because it’s not easy to have the perfect skin especially considering all the factors that contribute to ruining your skin, such as exposure to cigarette smoke, pesticides on foods, and pollution which can cause your skin to disrupt collagen production and look old. Add to that other factors such as dry climate which depletes your skin’s moisture; dust which makes your skin dirty; and harmful chemicals and substances that get in contact with your skin such as cosmetics and beauty products.

But even with these contributors to dry and damaged skin, there are ways you can keep your skin soft and supple. Why not try the following?

Make Your Warm Bath Short
A long hot bath is definitely a relaxing way to end your day. But while it feels great, it’s not good for your skin. A hot long bath reduces the skin’s natural oils. A warm bath or shower for no more than 15 minutes should not do harm to your skin.

Healthy Diet
Food plays an important role in keeping a radiant, healthy and soft skin. Include fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in your diet to keep your skin soft and supple. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants since they fight the damaging free radicals. Your skin would prefer vitamin-C rich fruits like strawberries, grapefruit, kiwis and oranges over food-chain snacks like burgers and fries. Also good for your skin are olive oil and pumpkin. Put olive oil on salad and your skin will enjoy the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of the olive oil which will give you softer skin. On the other hand, pumpkin is rich in vitamins A, C and E which help keep the wrinkles off because of the carotenoids they contain.

To see more list of food that makes the skin glow, click here.

No doubt your skin can get dry easily especially if you’re exposed to the sun and dry climate. The best way to counter this is to lock in moisture by applying a moisturizing cream after you pat dry your skin. Choose a moisturizer that contains lactic acid or urea, lanolin, petrolatum, mineral oil or hyaluronic acid. If your skin is super dry, you can use oils. Be reminded that the best time to apply moisturizer is when your skin is still damp. Damp skin absorbs moisture faster.

Use DIY Mask
Exfoliating products claim to be doing good for your skin but they often exacerbate dry skin. It’s better to use a creamy facial cleanser or a DIY facial mask like a strawberry mask. You can make this by blending 1 cup of strawberries with a cup of vanilla or plain yogurt. Add 1 ½ tablespoons of honey. Apply the mask to your face and leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing it off. You can use pumpkin if you have allergic reaction to strawberry.

Hydrate Your Skin
You often hear doctors telling their patients to drink plenty of liquids. To have soft and supple skin, you should keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and using a humidifier if you use a heater.

Cosmetics With Natural Ingredients
Don’t be fooled by brand advertisements. You should know that cosmetics that contain less oil and less chemicals are good for your skin. And these are the cosmetics that use natural ingredients. While there are not many manufacturers of cosmetics using natural ingredients, it will help if you stay away from using cosmetics that don’t let you know what chemicals they use to make the product.

Milk Bath
Believe it or not, those who were able to maintain a supple and soft skin will tell you that their secret is having a milk bath. What makes skin firm yet soft are vitamins A and D which milk contain. Milk has natural ingredients such as beta hydroxyl acids which are helpful in removing dead skin cells.
Try these tips and worry no more about how to keep your skin soft and supple, and young-looking.

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