Eating These Foods Will Reduce Stress

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Eating These Foods Will Reduce Stress -- The Innermost Glow

You often hear people say they gain weight when they are stressed or depressed. Many people turn to eating when they don’t feel good about something. Somehow, food gives them a kind of comforting feeling that makes them forget about what they’re dealing with. It only becomes a problem when one makes stress as an excuse to overeat. That’s when food becomes a stress factor and not to calm your nerves.

While it’s true that all foods have calming effects, people should not use them as some sort of emotional anesthesia. You will feel relieved from stress when you eat comfort foods, it’s true, but it will also leave you with unnecessary weight gain. There’s a difference between comfort foods and calming foods.

Calming foods are not the kind of your typical go-to comfort food that leaves you guilty and more stressed out. Calming foods are meals and snacks that will truly soothe and calm you and help you get through the day feeling focused, balanced and stress-free.  Check the following foods and how they help reduce your stress.

Depression is attributed to folic acid deficiency. Asparagus contains and boosts this mood-enhancing nutrient. High in folate (folic acid), asparagus helps keep your cool. You can enjoy them in many ways – steamed, sautéed, broiled, grilled or mixed in almost any meal.

This creamy fruit is rich in stress-relieving vitamin B. Vitamin B is needed for healthy brain cells, nerves. If you are deficient in B vitamins, you tend to feel anxious and stressed out. Avocado is also high in potassium and monounsaturated that help lower blood pressure. You can blend it with ripe banana, nut milk, non-nutritive sweetener, and vanilla extract. You can also thin slice it on a sandwich for a new flavor.

All berries – strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, are rich in Vitamin C, known to be helpful in fighting stress. A high level of antioxidant known anthocyanin is found in blueberries. Blueberries are also linked to a variety of positive health outcomes such as sharper recognition. You can substitute berries for other fruits. Best with yogurt or high fiber cereal.

If you have insomnia, it helps if you have a glass of milk before bed. This has been a time-tested remedy for restlessness and insomnia. Milk has high content of vitamins B2 and B12, antioxidants, calcium and protein. Lactium is a protein found in milk which has a calming effect by lowering blood pressure. The potassium content of milk also helps relieve muscle spasms caused by feeling tense.

Cashews and Almonds
Except for those who have allergies, nuts are known to cure many cravings because they are a little salty and crunchy. Cashews and the other nuts are usually recommended as good source of protein for those who are trying to lose weight. An ounce serving of cashews satisfies the required 11% of RDA of zinc. Cashews are a good source of zinc. Deficiency in zinc is linked to anxiety and depression. And since zinc can’t be stored in the body, you should get some every day. Roasted cashews or cashews mixed in vegetable and chicken will provide your zinc requirement.

Almonds, on the other hand are rich in vitamins B2 and E, which help bolster the immune system when you feel stressed out. You can get this from a quarter cup of almonds every day. You can also get this from almond butter spread on whole wheat crackers or fruit slices.

Chocolate / Dark Chocolate
Chocolate is considered a heart-healthy food because of the healthy antioxidants it contains. Men and women tend to eat more chocolate when feeling depressed or stressed. Dark chocolate, specifically lowers blood pressure and gives a calming effect. Eating dark chocolate can make you feel better because of the two types of antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonols, it contains. You can indulge yourself with dark chocolate as snack once a week.

Green Tea
Aside from its caffeine content, green tea has theanine – an amino acid that leaves a calming and soothing feeling. Theanine in green tea is known to stimulate production of alpha waves – a kind of brain waves seen when a person is relaxed. Theanine also alters levels of serotonin and dopamine - neurotransmitters in the brain that can affect moods. Drinking two cups of green tea everyday can enhance your mental performance.

How a Glass of Red Wine Can Help Reduce Stress
Have you been feeling especially anxious lately? It’s no surprise – whether is school, your job, family, bills, or other responsibilities, there is no shortage of things that can cause or add to your stress. Fortunately, we can enjoy one of the oldest and tastiest beverages while winding down at the end of the day.

As long as we drink it responsibly, a glass of red wine can be an excellent stress reducer. On top of that, a single glass of red wine has several additional health benefits – even more reason to enjoy that single glass. Here’s how a glass of red wine can help reduce stress:
Alcohol has Sedative Qualities
Alcohol, generally speaking, has the power to calm our nerves because it is a central nervous system depressant. Accordingly (and unlike caffeine, which is a stimulant), alcohol has a naturally sedating effect on the body. This means that it relaxes you and can help you sleep.A glass of red wine has a number of other health benefits beyond stress reduction. Some of these benefits include improved cardiovascular health and immune system function and maintenance, and possible even cancer prevention! Red wine contains resveratrol, which is found in the skin of red grapes, and scientists are exploring whether it may halt the production of cancer cells in breast cancer patients. Visit flying Dutchman Liquor Store for best collection of local to imported wines and spirits in The Bahamas.

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